Hello, all!
This past October, NoMythic started our 2023-24 season! We finished our recruitment for this year, and our team now has 31 amazing students. Over the month of October and a bit of September, NoMythic has been very busy with events, tasks and building our team. Our team has hosted our annual team retreat where we went over team norms and culture. The retreat was perfect for us to welcome our new students onto the team, and bond as a team through bonfires, board games and team building exercises.
We also attended various events including the Harvest Fest at Great River School and the allergy free Halloween event at the Mall of America. At the Harvest fest, we introduced the world of robotics to the students and families from Great River School. The allergy free Halloween event is for kids with allergies who can’t just go out and trick or treat. At the Mall of America event, kids had a blast driving our robot, learning about robots, and meeting our team.
We are all very excited for this coming up season, and we are already preparing for a small practice competition called the MINNE trials in the beginning of December. We are all looking forward to seeing what this new season brings!