Hello, all!
As we prepare for the end of the school year, as well as the end of the season, we at NoMythic are still working hard on the robot, the team, and the future of the team. Recently, we had our first STEM speaker presentation, where chemical biologist Andrea Steiger talked to us about biology and microorganisms. People enjoyed the presentation, and we are looking forward to our next one on Thursday, May 20th.
With the end of the year coming closer, some of us are planning for an end of the year celebration to recognize the progress we’ve made this year, give compliments to our team members, and say goodbye to our seniors. While we are sad to see our graduating team members go, we are excited to see what they go on to achieve, and we are looking forward to welcoming new members onto the team.
We have elected a new captain’s team to continue the work of leading the team forward. To keep the transition of captains smooth, the old and new team captains will be working together until the end of the season.
We are also looking forward to the FIRST upper midwest awards ceremony to see if any of the teams we know will be awarded for the work they do. Our team will gather outside to celebrate and watch the ceremony.
We have been working on robot runs for the state competition. We got the intake to work for the new challenges, and have had fun filming them together. We will submit them in a week, and are looking forward to the results.
In conclusion, we are excited for the end of the year, and proud of the work we are still putting into our robot and our team.