If you are interested in becoming an official sponsor of NoMythic or you have any questions, please contact the team at 2491nomythic@gmail.com. If you’d prefer to send us a check instead of using Paypal, you can send us one made out to the Great River School Foundation and mailed to NoMythic Robotics @ 1326 Energy Park Drive, 55108.
(This link can be used anytime you are sending money to NoMythic – including paying your student’s team fees)
What your support enables:
$1: Four custom team buttons
$3: A meal for one student
$15: A set of Allen Wrenches
$30: An intake motor
$50: A battery for a robot
$120: A meal for the whole team
$250: A Milwaukee drill for our shop
$400: Competition rooming for four students.
$500: Tournament swag for a year
$3500: Bus to Duluth competition