February has been filled with fantastic experiences and significant achievements for NoMythic. We kicked off the month with two different team bonding events: our board game night, where we also beaded bracelets for the FRC-SWIFT initiative, and our movie night right after practice, where we got snacks and got cozy watching a movie together. However, we not only focused on community building within our own team, we also hosted our annual bumper workshop for other robotics teams in the Twin City area. This event allows us to expand our horizons and strengthen our connections, while helping other teams with an essential part of their robots.
In addition to our community and team building events, we focused on getting ready for The Northern Light Regional competition! We finished our sponsor panel for both the robot and our team shirts, ensuring that we can show off our incredible sponsors at the competition. We also went to a practice competition called Week 0 held by KnightKrawler. It was a lot of fun, and the drive team had the opportunity to test our robots, Eurydice and Orphues.